Vacuum Pump

Vacuum pressure pump is a device that removes gas molecules from a sealed quantity in order to leave behind a partial vacuum. The first vacuum pump was developed in 1650 by Otto von Guericke, and was preceded by the suction pump, which dates to antiquity.

Vacuum Pumps, pressure pumps, cover an array of operating pressures. Laboratory/filtration vacuum pumps are for make use of in the laboratory or anywhere a minimal vacuum is needed; typically present both vacuum and pressure features. Use tough vacuum pumps (or roughing pumps) for laboratory and commercial applications requiring a level of vacuum less than 10-3 Torr. Make use of high vacuum pressure pumps if you want vacuums higher than 10-3 Torr. Also, consider the free-air capacity needed (the bigger the free air capability, the faster it will evacuate the chamber) and whether you will need a lubricated (oiled) or non-lubricated (dried out or oilless) pump. Lubricated pumps provide higher capacities, higher vacuum levels, and lower noise, but can contaminate the system and require more maintenance.

Industrial Vacuum Pumps
Vacuum Pumps
Our selection of industrial vacuum pumps includes oil-less and oil-flooded options. We are able to customize a pump to fit your specific needs and offer you with guidance with regards to deciding on the best pump for you. You can expect high-quality, long-lasting results when you choose Becker vacuum pumps.

100% Oil-less Vacuum Pumps
The Ever-power KVT3.60 – 3.140 series pumps are 100% oil-much less rotary vane vacuum pumps designed to operate on a continuous basis at any point from atmospheric pressure to vacuum pressure degree of 27” HgV (75 torr). These direct get units are supplied with a high efficiency TEFC, C-face, flange mounted electric motor. Each of these pumps is equipped with an integral vacuum comfort valve, a 5μ inlet filter, and vibration isolators as regular equipment.